Value-Based Provider Payment Initiatives Combining Global Payments With Explicit Quality Incentives

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Een systematische review van de literatuur van bekostigingsinitiatieven waar gebruik wordt gemaakt van een populatiebekostiging in combinatie met een betaling voor kwaliteit van zorg. Danielle Cattel en Frank Eijkenaar gaan in op de vormgeving en effecten van deze initiatieven.

An essential element in the pursuit of value-based health care is provider payment reform. This article aims to identify and analyze payment initiatives comprising a specific manifestation of value-based payment reform that can be expected to contribute to value in a broad sense: (a) global base payments combined with (b) explicit quality incentives. We conducted a systematic review of the literature, consulting four scientific bibliographic databases, reference lists, the Internet, and experts. We included and compared 18 initiatives described in 111 articles/documents on key design features and impact on value. The initiatives are heterogeneous regarding the operationalization of the two payment components and associated design features. Main commonalities between initiatives are a strong emphasis on primary care, the use of “virtual” spending targets, and the application of risk adjustment and other risk-mitigating measures. Evaluated initiatives generally show promising results in terms of lower spending growth with equal or improved quality.

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