Invitation: launch global report VBHC, Person-Centred Health Care and Population Equity

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You are invited to the launch of a global report focused on how to bring together Value-Based Health Care, Person-Centred Health Care and Population Equity. You can choose from two virtual launches of the report, both of which will take place via Zoom.

How do we link the goals of people receiving care to the outcomes we capture as healthcare systems? How do we use this data to support decision making at all levels of the system and how does the data support the equitable allocation of resources at the population level? Join us to hear practical perspectives and recommendations from global thought leaders in this area.

Programme and speakers : 

Launch 1: Tuesday 28th September 2021, 9am-10:30am BST

Time Session Speaker
9am Welcome and context Dr Thomas Kelley, CEO, Sprink
9:05am PCVBHC systems: the vision and framework.
Brief panel perspectives and open discussion with attendees
Chair: Dr Thomas Kelley, CEO, Sprink

Panel members:
Kawaldip Sehmi, CEO, International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations
Nicole Spieker, Director of Quality, PharmAccess, Kenya
Zoe Wainer, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health, Victoria, Australia
John Wilkinson, past Director of Devices, MHRA, UK
9:45am PCVBHC: Implementation and recommendations.
Brief panel perspectives and open discussion with attendees
Chair: Dr Sally Lewis, NHS Wales, UK

Panel members:
Thomas Allvin, Executive Director, Strategy and Healthcare systems, EFPIA
Toni Dedeu, Senior Expert, World Health Organization
Martha Kidanemariam, Medical Doctor and PhD Candidate, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
Christobel Saunders, Professor of Surgical Oncology, University of Western Australia, Australia
10:25am Moving forward Dr Thomas Kelley, CEO, Sprink
10:30am Close -


Launch 2: Thursday 30th September 2021, 4pm-5:30pm BST

Time Session Speaker
4pm Welcome and context Dr Thomas Kelley, CEO, Sprink
4:05pm PCVBHC systems: the vision and framework.
Brief panel perspectives and open discussion with attendees
Chair: Nicola Bedlington, Founder, Millwater Partners, Austria

Panel members:
Angie Hamson, Patient Partnership Lead, Health Standards Organization, Canada
Airton Stein, Professor of Public Health, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Brazil
Antonio Vaz Carneiro, Professor of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal
4:45pm PCVBHC: Implementation and recommendations.
Brief panel perspectives and open discussion with attendees
Chair: Anne Stiggelbout, Professor of Medical Decision Making, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands

Panel members:
Thomas Allvin, Executive Director, Strategy and Healthcare systems, EFPIA
Willem Jan Bos, Professor of Nephrology, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
Bruno Bruins, Member of Council of State, the Netherlands; past Minister for Medical Care and Sport, the Netherlands
Sean Tunis, Senior Advisor, Office of the Principal Deputy Commissioner, FDA, USA
5:25pm Moving forward Dr Thomas Kelley, CEO, Sprink
5:30pm Close -

MHRA: The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
EFPIA: The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
FDA: The United States Food and Drug Administration

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